Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cara merubah tampilan facebook, Facebook Tutorial, Trik Facebook

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Biar lebih stylish tampilan facebook kamu, baca ini artikel ini sampe beres dan ikuti langkah2nya

Caranya kamu harus download add-ons mozilla namanya STYLISH

1. Buka Web broswer MOzilla Firefox, lalu lari ke menu tool | klik add-ons cari
dan download stylish sampe beres lalu restart firefoxnya.

2. Sekarang tinggal cari tampilan yang di inginkannya
di Cari Tampilan

3. Pilih design tampilan yang diinginkan

4. Klik tombol "Load into Stylish"

5. Save dan refresh halaman facebook Anda


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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cara membuat rekening E-Gold Gratisan, Rekeing E-Gold, E-Gold

Membuat Rekening E-Gold, Buat Rekening E-Gold, Cara Membuat Rekening E-Gold, Cara Membuat Rekening E-Gold Gratis, Cara Buat Rekening E-Gold

  1. Klik Create an account > I Agree.
  2. Account Name: isikan dengan NAMA lengkap sesuai KTP/KARTU PELAJAR
  3. Description, Additional Description : Kosongkan saja.
  4. User Name: isikan dengan NAMA lengkap sesuai KTP/KARTU PELAJAR.
  5. Description: Kosongkan saja.
  6. Alternate Passphrase atau password gabungan huruf dan angka, cara membuat Passphrase yang benar :
Contoh :
bikinegold321 atau 123bandungstone, atau anda pilih password dengan mencampur angka dan huruf. Ingat catatlah nomor passphrase anda huruf kecil atau besar karena ini merupakan pin anda.

  1. New e-gold Account Passphrase: isi harus sama dengan Alternate Passphrase tidak beda.
  2. New e-gold Account Passphrase again: isi harus sama dengan Alternate Passphrase tidak beda.
  3. Jika anda diminta memberikan alamat e-mail, masukkan alamat e-mail anda, hal ini untuk mengirimkan nomer account E-gold anda.

Setelah anda berhasil bikin account di E-Gold, kira-kira 2 menit makaNO REK akan segera dikirimkan ke alamat email anda. Buka email anda dan catat dengan benar No REK E-Gold yg telah di peroleh. Simpan baik-baik nomer tersebut!!!


Monday, February 16, 2009

Cara Masukin Ringtone & Foto ke HP Haier D1200P Smart, Smartfren

Smartfren, Smartfren Andromax, Smartfren Andromax C2, Smartfren Andromax G2, Smartfren Andromax G, Smartfren Andromax C3, Smartfren C3, Smartfren Andromax C, Smartfren Andromax I3, Smartfren G2, Smartfren Andromax, Smartfren Andromax C2, Smartfren Andromax G2, Smartfren Andromax G, Smartfren Andromax V3S, Smartfren Andromax U2, Smartfren Andromax U, Smartfren A Connection To The Remote Computer, Smartfren A Connection To The Remote

Haii bro gwa mau sharing2 neh bwat kalian yang punya hp haier D1200P smart!!!!!!

internet gratis pake hp smart haier D1200P harga 333 rebu perak plus internet gratis slama 6 bulan 12 Gigabyte , tapi di cicil tiap bulan 2 Gigabyte, ntar bulan depanya dapet lagi 2 Gigabyte begitu seterusnya sampe 6 bulan kedepan terhitung tgl aktifasi.

Trus klo dalam sebulan pemakian kamu lebih dari 2 gigabyte kamu hanya di kenain biaya Rp.0.27XX /kb begitu katanya, tp ngak tau juga seh. Untuk lebih jelasna mah buka sajah we situs smartnya langsung atuh ya.

Di daerah rumah gwa lumayan bagus sinyalnya, ya lumayanlahkan buat gwa bisa browsing & bloging di rumah, dari pada gwa going to warnet males uy he....

Trus Hp smart D1200P ini juga bisa kamu masukin Foto & Ringtone ke sukaan kamu loh ,tentunya ada aplikasi khusus bwat masukin foto ato ringtonenya ke hp haier kamu.

klo mau softwarenya donlot aja tuh dibawah udah tak sediain tinggal donlot .
klo mau donlot gwa saranin pake downloader yah biar rada kenceng.....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

5 Top Qualities Of A Successful Blogger, Blogger

Successful Blogger, Successful Blogger Stories, Successful Bloggers List, Successful Bloggers Stories, Successful Bloggers Making Money, Successful Bloggers In India, Successful Bloggers In The World, Successful Bloggers In Nigeria, Successful Blogger Campaigns, Successful Bloggers Income, Successful Blogger Salary, Successful Blogger Blogs, Successful Blogger Outreach Campaigns, Successful Blogger Campaigns, Successful Blogger Stories, Successful Blogger Tips, Successful Blogger Events

If you want to own a blog that drives massive volumes of traffic to your website, there
are certain qualities that you should have.

Outlined in this article are the qualities which you must have if you want to be a
successful blogger.

1. A serious blogger is hardworking. As you know, you need to write content for
your blog regularly. This means that you will need to do some writing, which
requires some effort. You can’t generate huge volumes of traffic to your blog and
website if you are lazy and are not prepared to spend some time writing your
content. If you have some funds, you can hire a ghostwriter to write your blog
content. One way or another, some effort or resources are required to prepare your
blog content.

2. A successful blogger is resourceful and full of ideas. It is important for your blog
to be captivating, useful and interesting so that you have regular visitors as well as new visitors. You must therefore think about ways of making your blog unique
and appealing to your visitors. Think about the needs and interests of people in
your niche and identify what your visitors would like to see on your blog.

3. A successful blogger looks for all the opportunities to make money from the blog.
There are many ways through which you can make money on your blog. You can
sell your own products and services, you can sell affiliate products and you can
sell some advertising space. If your blog gets high volume of traffic, you can
make a lot of money with your blog.

4. A serious blogger looks for ways to drive traffic to the website. You can exchange
traffic with other blogs and websites in the same niche. This is particularly
effective if these websites have high popularity rank as this will in turn help to
increase your blog and website ranking.

5. A successful blogger never gives up. It takes time and effort to drive traffic to
your blog or website and start making some sales. Consistent blogging is
therefore essential. Never give up.

If you have these five qualities discussed above, you can be a successful blogger,
generate high volumes of traffic and make huge online profits.


6 Tips to Optimize your Website for Google Images, ISEO

Images Seo, Images Seo Best Practices, Images Seoul Korea, Images Seoul, Images Seoul South Korea, Images Seohyun Snsd, Images Seohyun, Images Seo Wordpress, Images Seo Google, Images Seo Friendly, Images Seo Best Practices, Images Seo, Images Seo Wordpress, Images Seo Google, Images Seo In Guk, Images Seo Tool, Seo Images Plugin, Seo Images Wordpress Plugin, Seo Images Joomla, Images And Seo

ISEO is a` great way to achieve additional traffic to your Web site, your images shown in Google Images. Every search done on Google's has the following optional links listed on the top left of the SERP page, Web, Images, Video, News, Maps, Mail,. and More. To take advantage of coming up under the "Images" category use SEO techniques used everyday in your website, inclusion of relevant keywords and phrases, alt tags title and meta tags.

1. Insert keywords into your Alt Text. The absolute number 1 tip for image optimization

2. Name your Images with descriptive file names, instead of using 23457.jpg, use something like largerapefruit.jpg

3. Use relevant context text surrounding your images.Use highly targeted keywords and phrases surrounding the placement of your image(s)

4. Use anchor text keywords in links to your images, instead of using "Click here" say something like click on the "large grapefruit"/

5. Be sure your image directory is accessible to Google. Craft your robots.txt file so as not to limit search engines from accessing it.

6. Be sure to enable Image Search in Google Webmaster Central.

Tip of the day is brought to you by GetMeOnTop New York top SEO Company.

Send us feedback, question and suggestion. Remember to read our Daily SEO New, Tips and Tricks from around the web.